Breadboard Computer Clock

  • Skills: C, C++, Electronics, Circuit Design, Computer Engineering

At Hack the North 2023, the largest hackathon at the University of Waterloo, I undertook the challenging yet rewarding task of creating a breadboard computer clock, setting the foundation for building a starter breadboard computer based on the venerable 6502 microprocessor. The project entailed designing and constructing the critical clock circuit which would drive the 6502 chip. I employed a 555 timer IC, a staple in digital electronics, to generate the clock pulses. This IC was configured in its astable mode to output a continuous square wave, which is crucial for the synchronization of the microprocessor's operations. To achieve the desired frequency and reliability, I carefully selected and implemented various resistors and capacitors. The clock signal was meticulously wired to provide connectivity among the components. An LED was included in the design to serve as a visual indicator of the clock pulse, thus providing immediate feedback on the circuit's performance. To ensure versatility and ease of use, the breadboard was designed to interface with a computer via USB, allowing for seamless programming and debugging. The project's scope also considered future enhancements such as address decoding, memory interfacing, and input/output control, necessary for a complete breadboard computer system. Completing this intricate project within the dynamic and time-constrained environment of a hackathon demonstrated not only my technical proficiency in electronics and microprocessor-based systems but also my ability to innovate and problem-solve on the fly.